Mission 2-Internet of things
This wasn't really a hard mission to do overall, it was just very time consuming. It mos definitely took 30 hours to complete the tasks we set out to do and also at the same time it took time to figure out what really the internet of things was.
So firstly I will talk about the research that went behind the internet of things, we didn't really look for a lot of history one to two slides at most because it would just make the presentation boring in the end. We took some time out to research what the internet of things really is and also the security issues behind it all.
We then preceded to look up how to do an online survey for free and this took some time to actually find a free good survey app because most you would have to pay for a monthly description, but I remembered back to my secondary school days where we used to use this application called Survey Monkey
It is a free software to make an online survey and was perfect to use in this mission. We then brainstormed questions that could be used for this survey and be in mind we did want to keep it involved around the security of the internet of things. So once we had our list of questions, and the survey was complete we asked literally everyone from our course, family members and friends to take the survey and the results where extraordinary. We also went around to random people in the college to take the survey and some people actually did so.
The numbers that we got in the end was around 300 people taking part in our survey which was more than enough.
So the results we got where crazy, we found out a lot of people do feel uncertain about the expansion of the internet of things but are still excited to see what the future will bring.
Another part of what we did for this project was create a mind map. We thought that a mind-map would be a cool way of showing people how the internet of things is used in everyday life e.g. School, Home, Work etc. The mind-map was done for free online and turned out great because we tried to make it all colorful and something that would catch the eyes of the viewers.
As you can see it turned out great and was most definitely my favorite aspect of this whole project was doing the mind map
One last thing we included in our project was the pros and cons of the IOT because there where quite a few if you think about it and that was just all to do with the safety. aspects of how things like your fridges can connect to the internet.
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